
May 28, 2006

Arugula Pesto

Inspried by Farmgirl's taming of her arugula and the realization that my own arugula was getting out of hand, I cut and cleaned a small patch to give arugula pesto a try. It turned out pretty trasty I must say. One must like arugula first. We do. I tempered the arugulaness with a bit of cilantro. I didn't make too big of a batch but it's plenty for now. I froze it in ice cube trays then packaged into freezer bags like all my pesto.

Very tasty when plopped on a Quilt cracker, a healthier version of a Triscuit. Ingredients are simply whole wheat and salt. Much less fat, less salt and extremely simple ingredients. Original Triscuit carries 140 calories and 5 grams of fat per 7 cracker serving. Even the Reduced Fat variety has 130 calories and 3 grams of fat per 8 cracker serving. Quilts' numbers are simply better - see below. If you need your crunchy, salty fix, go with a serving of Quilts.

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