
Mar 25, 2011

Sketchbook Project Tour - Austin, TX

I'm a bit behind in reporting that the Sketchbook Project Tour is underway. The show was in Austin, Texas on March 12 and 13. As it happens, I have an Aunt and Unc who live in Georgetown, not too far from Austin. I let them know the show had hit the road and they and a friend caught up with it at the Spider House. I was pretty excited that they would actually be checking out my book from the traveling library and paging through the madness. Hey, that's my book! It was odd to work in it for so long and then sending it away for ever. It didn't make me sad but I do miss it.
The Spider House looks like a funky joint (from visiting their site). The menu isn't bad either.
Hey, pages from my book.

Here is the outside of Spider House. There is a chance S and I will be heading west in the Autumn. Perhaps we'll drop in.
As if the Aunt and Unc visiting my sketchbook wasn't cool enough, today I received a package from said Aunt and Unc containing this cool cloth tote and stickers! Thank you! They didn't even know I love stickers and stick them everywhere.


The Rowdy Chowgirl said...

I am so going to this when it comes to Seattle. I can't wait!

vb said...

I would really like that, Rowdy. Thanks!


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