
Sep 28, 2011

Good Friends Share Their Veggies

Our friends, K & R, live across the street. They have a fabulous vegetable garden and we are the lucky recipients of much of the results. We've been lucky enough to receive lettuces, carrots, green beans, tomatoes, cilantro, basil, and peppers.Look at all of this purple basil! I made a large batch of pesto using both of these basils, garlic, almonds, olive oil, pecorino romano, and a bit of freshly squeezed lemon. No, not the traditional Genovese pesto. I never make it that way. It's good, I like it, but I prefer mixing it up. I use what I have. It's all pesto (paste). And it's all good.


The Rowdy Chowgirl said...

I wish I had some vegetable-growing neighbors that I could trade with. And I applaud the "use what I have" sentiment. Saves a lot of wasted food from recipes that require just a smidge of something you don't normally use.

vb said...

I thought YOU grew veggies? Yeah, I'm all about use it or loose it. I raid our refrigerator all the time.


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