
Sep 1, 2008


This holiday weekend we made peach jam and peach pies. Canning is labor-intensive but we really enjoy it. To us, the time and effort is worth it, considering the results.

Six homemade peach pies
7 half-pints peach-peño jam
7 half-pints peach jam
14 half-pints peach-ginger jam
As the week continues I've got plans of more canning projects including tomatoes, salsa, and roasted red peppers.


Susan from Food Blogga said...

Now, that's the kind of jam session I want to go to.

vb said...

Susan, come on up, we could use the help!

The Meesh said...

what recipe do you use for your preserves?

vb said...

meesh, the recipe is from the Ball Blue Book Guide to Home Canning, Freezing & Preserving.

2 qrts crushed, peeled, pitted peaches
1/2 cup water
6 cups sugar

Cook peaches (which we just chop, not crush) and water gently for 10 minutes. Add sugar. bring slowly to a boil. Cook rapidly to gelling point (15 mins). Ladle into hot jars with 1/4 inch headspace and process 15 mins. in hot water bath.

Makes about 4 pints.



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