I enjoy canning. Time consuming but not difficult. Results in homemade deliciousness. Leaves you with a sense of accomplishment. I consider it meditation time. Felt like meditating one day last week and created a batch of salsa. Just a small batch, seven half-pints. Pretty tasty. The cat didn't help but she was curious. Who else is canning? What are you making?
(For the record, the cat doesn't get onto the table or the counters. I set these jars on the floor to take advantage of the warming glow of the sun.)
Well, it's not exactly canning, but I did roast a huge batch of peppers and I froze them for the winter. Of course, you're making me reconsider the merits of canning.
Susan, I read about your pepper roasting! I plan on doing the same and then canning them. Roast them, peel them, cold pack them, and process in a pressure canner. Either way, freezing or canning, it will be wonderful to have roasted peppers throughout the winter. Considering how much they cost in the stores, either method is time well spent.
I canned some of my blueberry jam but since I am a novice at canning and wasn't too sure about how I did on the sterilization front, I ended up freezing the jars. We are already on the second one and it's delicious. Your salsa looks great. I have to get more courageous with that canning stuff. :-)
Alexa, blueberry jam sounds great! No matter how many times I use my pressure canner (for canning tomatoes) I still get nervous. All you can do is follow the directions and use your common sense. Keep canning!
Cats are just so curious, aren't they? I can see why though, your salsa looks great. The last couple of things I made were a batch of hot mango chutney and a batch of strawberry & peach jam.
holler, those sound great. I think my next canning adventure will be a chutney.
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