
Sep 24, 2008

Egg and Roasted Pepper Sandwich

I love the combination of peppers and eggs. Both of my Nanas would often make this dish but it took the form of a scramble. In any form I love peppers and eggs. On top of a toasted slice of whole wheat bread I spread some goat cheese. On top of the cheese I placed a big slice of roasted pepper. On top of the pepper I slid a fried egg. Salt and pepper and a couple shakes of green Tobasco and I was set. So easy. So delicious. So satisfying.


Vicki said...

Hooray for runny yolk!

vb said...

Hurray indeed!

Anonymous said...

That's a great picture! (And I hate runny yolk eggs :))

vb said...

mbe, I can go either way with the yolk. Depends on my mood.

test it comm said...

That sandwich looks good!

vb said...

Kevin, I know. I want to make one every day.


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